Saturday, June 14, 2008

The June Rains

June is half over, the rains hit hard for a week. That sort of slowed down the work in my garden. In fact, I still have 5 tomato plants to get in. There is water standing everywhere. We are hoping this will keep the farmers happy for a while. I did manage to get into the garden this afternoon. I also noticed that the Weed 'n Feed I applied to the lawns 'way back in May has kicked in. The lawns are a disgrace - a foot high in some places (I guess those are the places where the weed 'n feed really kicked in!)
I know that I stink at keeping my Blog up to date and I admit it. Okay, I'll try harder. And I'll start right now.
For those of you who perhaps do not know this, we bought a little company about 6 months ago. We are now the proud owners, along with Ann and Jim (refer to earlier postings), of eBIKES.
Have a look:
Things have been going very well for us. In fact, we opened a second store in Ann and Jim's city on April 2nd. Yep, Electric Bikes and Scooters. They are pretty cool and, with the price of gasoline being what it is, they are, in fact, bloody terrific. Everyone should own one. Why don't you?
Have I mentioned our website?
In May, we went to the West Coast for 10 days. Part business, part fun. We spent a couple of days with our son, his fiance and our youngest grandson on Saltspring Island. We had such a wonderful time; we seriously considered staying longer but business called. Our family showed us around, took us old folks hiking (YES, we were able to keep up!), we went for dinner, we went for walks and just thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. That grandson of ours - is he cute. And he is happy doing whatever you want to do! A very happy little boy.
In between business meetings, we were able to visit with some friends, D'Arcy & George, whom I hadn't seen since 1976. Yes, yes. As hard as it is to believe, I am old enough to have friends I haven't seen in over 30 years. I hope it's not that long till we meet again. Life has a way of happening, though, and time flies by. Before you know it, you'll have friends you haven't seen in over 30 years, too.
We were also able to see David and Maureen for a quick visit. Waunderlust David has been bitten by the "I wanna move" bug again...who knows where they'll be living the next time we see them!
And, of course, Kimmy. My dear, dear Kimmy. I looked for her for so long and by using my famous Nancy Drew skills, was finally able to find her. I was really nervous walking in there, without notice. I was afraid because of how strained our relationship was the last time I saw her, 15 years ago. I'm glad I sucked it up and just went marching on in, though. The pleasure and joy on her face when she saw me, told me that I had nothing to be nervous about. The visit was much too short and I bawled all the way to the Ferry Terminal. She looks fantastic; healthy and happy.
We met up with my Brother and Sister-in-Law, who were also on a holiday at the coast. We walked, explored and had many belly-laughs over quite silly things, really. I think those are the best kind. We met up with with my Auntie and Uncle whom we haven't seen them since the Millennium. They live in England and were there on a sight-seeing trip. Our time with them was spent catching up, laughing and exploring the wonderful things the city had to offer. That visit was over much too soon; geez, I have missed them. The phone calls, as nice as they are, just aren't the same.
So, all in all, our trip was a business and personal success. Back home, back to work, back to the daily grind...but feeling good, rested, with some great memories.

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