Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas on the Ledge, in Eden...

Well...Christmas began with the Santa Claus parade on December 13th and coincidentally, that is when we had snow!

Here in Eden, we have snow when we are supposed to - in Winter...
not at Hallowe'en,
not at WINTER.
It lasts a week or so and then is gone, just like it should be!
It stays long enough to enjoy and not a moment longer.
a few days later, it is Christmas day...the snow is gone
and we go for a walk
on the beach...Mimi just LOVES the beach on Christmas morning!
Please do double click on the photo above, of Mimi running...the expression on her face is priceless!

It's hard to believe that our Mimi sleeps 18 hours a day now...running on the beach really blows her hair back but - then she needs a nap. She's getting on, I guess.

We had friends over for dinner...Ing, Dutchie and the wonderful Alvina from Regina...we had a great time.
Thanks for joining us and making our Christmas enjoyable!

Tonight is New Years' Eve...we will be participating in the 2009 Wii Bowling Open!
I'll let you know how that goes...

As for our Renos, well...we've got the laundry room, guest room and ensuite done - and we've got the bar fridge in the soon-to-be new Junk 'n Disorderly. That's important!
Making progress...we will have some semblance of order by the time Graham gets here on Feb 9th...

This edition of Living on the Ledge is dedicated to my two remaining Uncles, neither of whom have been feeling well this past year. May you both recover swiftly. Also dedicated to the memory of my Lily, who loved me no matter what, who wagged her tail whenever she saw me and who was my friend through thick and thin and Leo...the Pyr with the biggest heart in the world. R.I.P, dear friends.
To one and all, I wish a very happy, safe and prosperous 2010.
Talk to you next year.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Great pictures, Den. Thanks for the update....I miss you.