Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Spring in Eden.....

Welcome to March!
In like a lamb, out like a lamb - unless you count the couple days of rain we've had. But really, who can complain? This is the only rain we've had all winter...it sure has greened the grass up. We have had flowers for a few weeks already - crocuses and some wonderful little purple things (I have no idea what they are!). The daffs and tulips have all been up for ages and I can't wait until they bloom. The trees are all about to burst into leaf....I love this place!
I am going to get my little pond going this week - and this year, I am even going to put in a fish or two!

Padie and Ken came for Easter. That was wonderful! Unfortunately, the hot March weather didn't hold up for their visit and now Padz thinks I made the whole thing up! Honest...March was fantastic!
But the cool
April weather really was okay...
April Sh
owers bring May Flowers, or so they say.
While out exploring, we saw some fabulous looking flowers growing in the low-lying areas. Ken and Padie investigated and brought back two of them. We took them home, put them in a vase...the next morning, the entire kitchen stank to high heaven...they were SKUNK WEEDS!! YIKES!

Padz and Ken left on the Monday morning...who walks in on Monday evening?? Our daughter! Yippee! She is newly engaged and brought her beau with her, for Mommy and Daddy's approval. He is a wonderful man and yes, we approve! Our angel Granddaughters were not with them, however. Sad for us but we will be having them for (hopefully) a whole month this summer...can't wait!
Well, if April Showers bring May Flowers, what do April AND May showers bring?
Rain, rain and more rain but it's not cold and it sure hasn't stopped the flowers from blooming - or the grass from greening - or the weeds from growing!
Dad's Rose Bush had it's first bud in May...we had a touch of frost one night (yes, it's true!) and the bud got nipped but, the bud carried on and bloomed out! Kind of a wilted looking flower, with ragged edges but still..a Rose is a Rose.

M'Dooley decided to investigate what this "Asperagus Farming" is all about and signed on at one of the local farms...he is running a picking crew and is having a ball! Learning lots about Asperagus, learned to drive a tractor (!), and has made friends...
life is good.

Mimi...errrr, Sylvia...has had dental work. She had a couple of bad teeth; her doctor at home felt that she was too old for the anasthetic that would be necessary... On the advise of her Hairdresser, I found a doctor in, shall we say, a foreign country, who felt that she would be fine...I went ahead and did it. I was nervous all day...what if it was too much for her? What if her heart failed? She is thirteen, after all...
With her leaky heart valve...
But, she came through it all with flying colors! She is very happy, healthy and just as bouncy as she always was - or more so! And she can still eat her raw veggies, which she loves so much.
Life is good for her, also.

The Blossom Festival was fun...we weren't here for the entire festival last year -
after all, we have only just been here one year!

Happy Anniversary to us!
Anyway, back to the festival....my friend, Ingrid, and I drove the truck, pulling our company trailer, in the parade. Lots of laughs, thanks, Ing!

And now it's June...our garden is coming together.
The Jurasic Park Poppies are up again this year... huge, orange and peach poppies.
Wow, are they beautiful.

Dad's Rose Bush continues to thrive in it's new home,

the Lupins have gone crazy and I have found more Iris' in the patch that had been neglected for years....we are still discovering things in the garden and are being constantly surprised.

The Hummingbirds surprise us, by their sheer numbers...and they are so bold!
They will just buzz us, if they feel like it...quite entertaining.

M'Dooley found a green plant of some sort, crawling along the ground, by the patio. He tied it to the trellis then discovered it had little fruits on it...my gosh...it's an Apple tree! How wonderful!

So, now we wait for July, when we go home to visit family, friends and attend our friend Graham's birthday party.
We will be bringing our Angel Granddaughters back with us - we are so excited!
Can't wait to see everyone! Till then...

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